I’m so delighted to finally, finally post this interview. I’ve been asking mom-friends and cool gals to be part of my future lineup, though I had yet to share this chat. Many thanks to Unkie Eric and Philip aka dada for watching KJ while I got this finished up today.
Fresh Meat is her Substack that I highly recommend! You can also find her website at www.freshmeatfiction.com. She and I met through our mutual love of Chuck Palahniuk’s writing and his teachings, available to subscribe on this platform, it’s called Plot Spoiler.
We bond over a variety of things, mom-ing and aspiring to write for further publication. She’s gonna break on through to the other side soon, I can feel it!
She was very gracious to a very talkative and leanly prepared first time interviewer. I look forward to circling back when this momcast has grown a bit to catch up with her moves as a creative professional. After watching this a couple times, I’m learning to work (with compassion) on my listening skills.
Thank you, Maegan! Thanks for listening, and disclaimer- I have a potty mouth and it’s not horrible but it’s definitely a thing so don’t listen with your toddler, probably :’)
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